UThom Yorke ungumculi waseBrithani, umculi kanye nelungu leRadiohead. Ngo-2019, wangeniswa e-Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Intandokazi yomphakathi ithanda ukusebenzisa i-falsetto. I-rocker yaziwa ngezwi layo elihlukile kanye ne-vibrato. Akahlali neRadiohead kuphela, kodwa futhi nomsebenzi wedwa. Ireferensi: I-Falsetto, imele irejista ephezulu yokucula […]

Ngesinye isikhathi ekuqaleni kwekhulu lama-21, i-Radiohead yaba ngaphezu kwebhendi nje: yaba yindawo yazo zonke izinto ngokungesabi futhi ezamazama edwaleni. Bazuze ngempela isihlalo sobukhosi kuDavid Bowie, Pink Floyd kanye nama-Talking Heads. Ibhendi yokugcina yanikeza iRadiohead igama layo, iculo eliphuma ku-albhamu yango-1986 […]